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Guided tour “In the footsteps of Saint Nicolas” in Nancy


DESTINATION NANCY-Office de Tourisme

The Office de Tourisme du Grand Nancy is located in the heart of an exceptional UNESCO site, on the splendid Place Stanislas, one of the most beautiful in the world. In the heart of a lively shopping district, you'll receive a warm welcome and information. We speak French, English and German, and we're at your service 7 days a week! We'll provide you with comprehensive information on the resources of the metropolis and the region: maps, facilities, events diaries, guided tours, restaurants, accommodation, useful addresses, emergencies, parking... We'll give you all the information you need.

Place Stanislas
54000 Nancy
I'm going by train!
03 83 35 80 10
Labels & Certifications écoresponsable
  • Accueil Vélo
  • Tourisme et Handicap
  • ISO 20121
  • EPV : Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant
  • Maître Restaurateur