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Accrobranche in family at Terraltitude Park


SPL Rives de Meuse - Parc Terraltitude

Strong sensations, in an exceptional setting, in the heart of the forest!
Discover the Terraltitude Park, in Fumay, with the program :
- The Fantasticable : 1.2 km long zip line over the Meuse river
- The Acccrobranche : more than 120 games on 5 hectares
- All-terrain electric scooter: a one-hour supervised ride to discover the Meuse valley
- Paintball : 2 fields from 8 years old
- The catapult : ejection at 18 m high
- La Tour des Aventuriers : climbing, jumping in the void and zip line of 120 m

Lieu dit la Folie
08170 Fumay
I'm going by train!
06 80 21 16 26
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