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I accessorize my bag: I create a personalized leather handle


Claire Choffel, atelier du cuir

My leather workshop is located in the HAUTES VOSGES, on the hillside, where I practice my knowledge of Bottière-Maroquinière through unique pieces of leather and recycled textiles of high quality. My fashion creations are androgynous and atypical, they exist under the name of a French trademark registered in 2009, "KLAIR with a K" and I also propose decorative elements, leather painting, ... The workshop is open to the visit on reservation to individuals and groups. You can discover the tools, the manufacturing process of a pair of shoes, during a quick interactive commentary and / or make your own pieces in the form of training courses (from 8 years) of different durations (1h, 2 h, 2h30 ..)

94 impasse des fougères
88120 Basse-Sur-Le-Rupt, Lorraine, France
I'm going by train!
06 62 58 09 21
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