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Atelier de la Vivacia

Trained at the Compagnons du devoir in Jarville, Lucas Mainferme wanted to acquire the know-how to work in the restoration of built heritage. He devoted his 3 years of Tour de France to enriching his skills and multiplying his experiences by working in roofing companies in Brittany, Dordogne and even in Austria. Back on his Meuse land, he settled with two partners in 2012. It will only take a few years for the company to gain recognition from clients and prescribers in the heritage restoration sector.
As a member of the jury of the Organizing Committee of the "Un des Meilleurs Ouvriers de France" competition, Lucas Mainferme benefits each year from a specialized training on a specific theme that allows the company to intervene on very specific sites where few other companies are able to respond.

2 place de l'église
55500 Nant le Grand
I'm going by train!
06 88 88 59 18